Sold [Store] 398 Keys, Gut Ruby .03, #1 Most BS Bowie Safari Mesh, M4A4 Asiimov FT .26, .071...

Discussion in 'CSGO Items for Sale - Buy Sell CS:GO Items' started by /u/samknoxS, 1/22/17.

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  1. /u/samknoxS

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    Hello People!

    Mainly looking for keys only (Vanilla, Esports, Revolver) and will ask for more in items

    Of course all is #

    Have a good day!

    Item Float Value Notes MetJm Screenshot Buyout Current Offer
    Gut Ruby FN 0.031934 Ruby is Dope 4k MetJm[/URL] 4k Spine 105k -
    Bowie Safari Mesh BS 0.798861 #1 Most BS on Exchange
    4k MetJm 4k Spine 35k -
    M4A4 Asiimov FT 0.261755 Faze Atlanta 2017 on Mag, .26 Float 4k MetJm - 17k 16k -
    USP-S Royal Blue MW 0.071791 Low Float 4k MetJm - 4k 3k -

    I've Also got 398 Keys in Stock if you want to sell me some dank QS

    Feel free to Add Me

    ★ Click HERE to send a lowball

    # #/samknoxS
    #1 /u/samknoxS, 1/22/17
    Last edited by a moderator: 12/21/24
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