Selling Stopforumspam for vBulletin and CloudFlare

Discussion in 'Guides for Sale - Buy & Sell' started by Games, 7/29/15.

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  1. Games

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    I had the problem that we were unable to use the stopforumspam # to check spammers. Once activated all users were automatically rejected. I found the problem to be CloudFlare which always then resulted in the CloudFlare IP being sent (


    Use the mod provided by CloudFlare, this allows your server to see the real ip Adresses of the user.

    Performance, Security & Apps for Any Website | CloudFlare | Wiki

    For that to work you need to have the httpd-devel packages installed on your server.

    Load the module in Apache, done.

    THANK GOD! And you of course

    Hmm... The video on that site under "home" explained cloudflare very very very well...

    Its seems to be bulletproof :] So every ip that get added as a spammer on the network, will get marked on all sites running this?


    I wonder if its possible to use the system the other way
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