Sold Stop current transactions with gameloft and...

Discussion in 'Order and Chaos Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Mark Oac, 9/12/14.

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  1. Mark Oac

    Mark Oac
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    Stop current transactions with gameloft and stop buying runes. If you want your guild/friends back don't buy runes for a week/month until they implement a lift on the ban. It may or may not work, but at least we can show them who writes their checks.
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    Sinival Santos Cruz

    Sinival Santos Cruz
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    nice (y)
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    Christian Villegas Quirós

    Christian Villegas Quirós
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    No one Care this fuk Gameloft don't Care if lose all people of Oac still have alot of games and new players buy runes... Same 2 years ago when people got banned for Sync and runes glitch just ban all and never response..... For all banned players just time to leave and found other game..
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    Heywood KB

    Heywood KB
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    Let me know when you find a good game
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    Mark Oac

    Mark Oac
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    one year to two weeks :)
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    Charlotte Markwick

    Charlotte Markwick
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    If people did something wrong they should be banned... if you don't like game loft play another game, I reccomended WOW it kicks oac love you!!!
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