Selling STO high DPS account 5 chars

Discussion in 'Star Trek Online Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by TheShooter36, 12/9/17.

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  1. TheShooter36

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    hi, i am selling a very high dps account that can also tank and heal and support in other ways both ground and space, there are 5 chars in the account, i will list the main 3 char and what they have here. They are ranging from 55k to 105k dps, even more if you arent a bad pilot like me :D i know my builds can do double the amount in the hands of skilled pilots. even a complete newbie can achieve 30k without any endgame knowledge

    Char 1: Holdan

    Fed Engineer, Has ships including Vengeance, Tarantula, Tzenkethi Battlecruiser and some C-Store ships. MK14 UR AP and two phaser (kelvin and pulse phaser) sets (sets consists of 8 weapon each set) Epic MK14 ground gear and even spare epic weapons also kit modules. Various Outfits

    Char 2: Kar'Bam

    Fed 23c TOS Science. Has ships including Paradox, Samsar, Sphere Builder Dreadnought Carrier and some C-Store ships. More ground focus than Holdan, has extremely powerful ground gear, both melee and ranged setops can be achieved on the fly. Epic MK14 gear with lots of spare kits and weapons. On space side you have an AP set MK14, various rep torps and some other torps all Mk14. Various universal consoles that mainly boosts science, plus different sets of sci consoles. Various Outfits

    Char 3: L'Tok

    Fed-Romulan Tactical. Has ships including but not limited to, 26th Century Dreadnought, Miradorn Raider, Vonph Carrier, TLaru Carrier, Astika, 2 T6 and 1 T5 Scimitar and some other C-Store ships. Mk14 AP Beams, DBBs, DHCs, Single Cannons, Coalition Disruptor Beams and DHC s, Various torps including Rep Torps. Ico 4PC set, Mk14 epic ground gear, lots of kits and weapons including lobi weapons like Boolean and Tzenkethi Cannons, Vaadwaur Split Rifle, Herald Projector aka staffgun :) Also various outfits on this one too.
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