I bought 2 month long sticky threads in fire emblem heroes section, one on feb 8th and one on feb 15th for 2 different threads. Both of them have already been removed. Why has this happened? Thread 1: Selling - 5* Starters Single/Doubles 200+ Accounts Available | PlayerUp Accounts Marketplace. Player 2 Player Secure Platform. Paypal Transaction ID: #9S244155K3246843P Thread 2: Selling - Instant PowerLevel and Shard/Crystal Service | PlayerUp Accounts Marketplace. Player 2 Player Secure Platform. Paypal Transact ion ID: #33T10908LC043192K
[trigger]Guide - Sticky Threads Automated Response How do sticky threads work? There are 2 ways to sticky your thread: 1). Post a Buy Now Middleman Link in your thread 2). Purchase a Sticky Thread How do I get my middleman thread stickied? Our system automatically scans and sticky threads instantly if they contain a middleman link. If your thread has not been stickied, please open a Help Ticket. What is a sticky thread bonus for certain members? Click Here For More Information .[/trigger] [trigger=by]For: ohhungry Re: #1[/trigger]