Steven's Power Lvl Thread

Discussion in 'GunZ Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Games, 9/2/14.

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  1. Games

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    Hi Mates, I made this thread to notice you that i'm now power leveling your accounts, I'm Not Trusted, So I'll Power level your acc first till i get reputation and feedbacks, if you run away and don't pay me, your character is going to be deleted, So Scammers please don't try to scam.

    P.D:Your account must be lvl 20 or higher, Cuz it has to be lvl 20 so i can p lvl, if it's lvl 15 and i don't have much accounts to p lvl i'll level it.

    Aight mates, My prices are:

    -Level 20 to 60: 150 G coins.

    -Level 20 to 50: 100 G coins.

    P.D: If you want other levels that are not from 20 to 60 just tell me what lvl you want and i'll tell you price.

    Contact Information:


    gzp is dead...

    it just doesnt look very legit, soz.

    He is legit, as far as I know he hasnt scammed me yet.

    Originally Posted by Kjeller95

    it just doesnt look very legit, soz.

    As i said, im p lvl'ing first and u pay after so no risk. and btw some ppl will p lvl with me so i'll get feedback and legit.

    good luck with your pleveling i might use you soon -_-

    Originally Posted by dman33860

    good luck with your pleveling i might use you soon -_-

    Hehe, thanks bro. :P

    Bump Bump! and i got a feedback for p lvling Heracles (the g coin seller).

    Steven can i sell you my account? my msn:

    Add me and ill let you know if i still have my account for sale.

    His trusted, nuff said he Plv'd my account.

    Thanks again.
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