Sold Starter Pokemon Duel w/ few decent Figures (Ho-oh/Rayquaza/Leafeon/Garchomp)

Discussion in 'Pokemon Masters Accounts for Sale - Buy & Sell' started by iLLYA2123, 2/28/17.

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  1. iLLYA2123

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    Starter acc figures include:
    Ho-oh lvl5 Rayquaza lvl3 Leafeon lvl4 Salamance lvl4 Garchomp lvl3 Skarmory lvl2 Druddigon lvl2 also Dratini Quillidan Mawlie Riolu Sliggo lvl4 Pikachu Eevee Bulba Charmander Squirtle Zangoose
    -1658 Elo Currently (I dropped it down to be more starter friendly)
    -1658 Materials to exchange for figures
    -Currently 127 gems and 23k gold

    -Plates include: Hurdle jump counter attack hurdle jump desperate timesx2 X-atk x2 pokemon switch x2 Swap spot force remove quick carex2 confuse/para/awakening heals spooky powerx2
    $10 Paypal gift
    PM or Skype me @illya[email protected] Username iLLYA Matoi
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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