Selling Starter Pack - HQ8 - Commander Lvl35 - 129K Gold -...

Discussion in 'Mobile Strike Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Rob Bradford, 4/14/16.

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  1. Rob Bradford

    Rob Bradford
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    Starter Pack - HQ8 - Commander Lvl35 - 129K Gold - Much More (See Details) $200 This is my first sell ever... leave me your comments (good or bad) please HeadQuarters: Based in ASCE #94 Level: 8 VIP: 8 (23 010 points) Gold: 129k Troops 70k Tier1 Soldiers (for gathering) Ressources: Comes with 2 Millions of each if sold... Commander: Level 35 Weapon: Workman's Hammer (Quality 4) Helmet: Welder's Mask (Quality 2) Helmet: Workman's Helmet (Quality 2) Helmet: Winter Shemagh (Quality 1) Body Armor: Workman's Shirt (Quality 5) Body Armor: Winter Ghillie Suit (Quality 1) Accessory: Workman's Toolkit (Quality 4) Accessory: Canteen (Quality 2) Footwear: Snow Walkers Treads (Quality 1) Footwear: Trail Boots (Quality 2) Footwear: Welder's Boots (Quality 1) Footwear: Workman's Boots (Quality 1) Many Items including: Commander Exp: 143 x 50k, 3 x 200k Daily Chances: 87 Alliance Chances: 13 Random Teleport: 17 Advanced Teleport: 2 Food (in crates): 12.725M Oil (in crates): 3.8M Stone (in crates): 10.7M Iron (in crates): 9.1M Coins (in crates): 5M Basic Rss Crates: 39 Speed Ups: Standard: 397 hours Construction: 94 hours Troop Training: 212 hours Research: 262 hours Commander Energy: 608K (362 x 1k, 53 x 2k, 28 x 5k) Make an offer! --> direct buy = 250$ Proceed with PayPal as i said, if anything is missing in my description... let me know!
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