POST BEFORE CONTACTING POST BEFORE CONTACTING Title says it! The SC2 beta key is linked into my account and the account also has wotlk enabled + a 80 Alliance rogue! The rogue has level 70 BC PvP s2 gear + weapons. And has 80 blue/epic gear. I also have all info on the account. Buy out: 200$ Must be repped and have paypal verified thanks. Aim: Droodwow I might go down on the price if you are repped with TWV .; bump Hey, interested in account.. I don't buy stuff online normally so no rep etc.. have a verified paypal account though.. Would u be interested in a trade for a t9-10 WoW holy/ret pally account? I can pay first etc obviously Nah not trading only selling sorry. Saven up for a new computer . Bump though online for a bit