Title as stated, I have Starcraft 1 Anthology KEYS that you can add onto your battle net account just so you have all the games.. The keys are unused and will be able to merge onto your battle.net account, so once you add it , no one else can add it. Starcraft 1 Anthology is SC1 + BW combo pack essentially, so after that you can dl the clients and play the games. What do you have to lose? It's only $3.00 and you will have access to this, IMO having all blizzard games on your account increases the ODDS of getting Diablo 3 Beta.. The Price for each key is $3.00 ONLY!!! They retail for $20.00 on battle.net store. ONLY $3.00, hit me up on msn or email. I am usually not on AIM unless someone emails me to get on thanks! .; post thx bump, just pmed u sold one to hallowedmessiah, smooth transaction! bump