Hey all! Looking to move all my unlocked Light Side cards, take a look below and message me if interested. Email is in my profile. 5* Han Solo - 4/7 Han Solo - Base Qui-Gon Jin - 4/7 Luke MT4 - 4/7 (unlocked) 4* Ben Kenobi - 4/7 Ben Kenobi (Death Star) - 4/7 Mace Windu - 4/7 R2D2 - 4/7 Luminara Unduli - 4/7 Clone Commander Bly - 4/7, skl 12 Tarfful - 4/7, skl 25 Han Solo - 4/7 Leia Organa (Endor) x2 - 4/7 (both, one improper) Slave Leia - 4/7 General Rieekan - 4/7, skl 27 Lando - 4/7 skl 38 Lando - 4/7 Boushh - 4/7 Padme (Battle of Theed) - Evo 1 3* Han Death Star - 4/7 Luke Death Star - 4/7 2-1B Healer - Evo 2 I am asking for $350 (OBO). If you want to do this, please PM me on the game, I'll send you a trade request with the cards (all that I can do in one day) and once you accept, you can paypal me the money, and I'll push the trade through. Thanks, and May the Force be With You! .;