Sold Star Wars Galaxy of Heroes Account Acc 11.7 Mio. GM, 8 GL, Luthen Rael, Jar Jar Binks

Discussion in 'Star Wars Galaxy of Heroes Accounts for Sale - Buy & Sell SWGOH Account' started by KingDanny, 10/28/24.

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  1. KingDanny

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    I'm offering a Star Wars Galaxy of Heroes account here, with a current total power (GM) of over 11.7 million for ANDROID.

    All previous unlockable conquest units (Conquest) such as Darth Bane, Queen Amidala, Taron Malicos, etc. are at high relic level (see photos).

    Ki-Adi Mundi and Reva (3rd Sister of the Inquisition) are also unlocked at a high relic level.

    All possible 8 unlockable legends are available and equipped with the best God mods.

    I'm currently working on the requirements for the new legend Ahsoka, which will probably be unlockable in December, and have already upgraded the night trooper to relic level 5, see photo.

    The transfer takes place via ANDROID via your own email address and password, and everything is transferred solely to the buyer.

    I will of course help with the quick transfer and will be happy to do so afterwards.

    If you have any questions, please feel free to write to me.

    Discord: anubis9066


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