Oppressor = 9 Sentinel = 16 Crystals = 566 Medals = 3,850 Contraband Safe house = LVL 7; LVL 9 Heroes: Luke, Leia, Han Solo, Chewbacca, R2-D2; LVL 2 Heroes: Johhar Kessen; LVL 1 Heroes: Elite AT-TE Walker, Modified SD-K4; LVL 9 Aircraft: X-Wing, Y-Wing, Low Altitude Assault Transport, Z-95 Headhunter, B-Wing Starfighter; LVL 3 Aircraft: A-Wing Starfighter; LVL 2 Aircraft: HWK-290, Fang Fighter; All Vehicles are Level 9 except the AT-RT Walker which is level 4 (don't have Stolen AT-DT Walker, V-4X-D Ski Speeder, or A-A5 Speeder Truck) All Troops are Level 9 except the Rebel Vanguard (LVL 1), and Alliance Starfighter Pilot (LVL 1); (Don't have Iakaru Warrior, Ithorian Infiltrator, Bufopel Protector, or Demolition Droid); Level 9 items: HQ Squad CTR transports x 3 factories x 3 alloy depot x 4 credit vault x 4 turrets x 13 (current is 9 rocket, 4 mortar, 0 sonic) x-wing traps x 6 y-wing traps x 4 LAAT traps x 2 alloy refinery x 6 credit market x 6 contraband trade port x 2 barracks = 4 x LVL 9 wall = All LVL 9 Level 8 items: turrets x 5 (current is 1 rocket, 0 mortar, 4 sonic) shields x 4 fang traps = 2 x LVL 8 contraband trade port x 1 Cantina LVL 6
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