Oppressor = 26 Sentinel = 31 Crystals = 241 Medals = 48,882 contraband safehouse = LVL 17 Level 10 items: HQ Squad CTR transports x 3 factories x 3 alloy depot x 4 credit vault x 4 turrets x 20 (current is 10 rocket, 6 mortar, 4 sonic) shields x 4 wall x 106 x-wing traps x 6 y-wing traps x 4 LAAT traps x 2 alloy refinery x 6 credit market x 6 contraband trade port x 3 fang traps = 1 x LVL 9 and 1 x LVL 8 barracks = 2 x LVL 8 and 2 x LVL 9 wall = 14 x LVL 9