Selling Star Trek Timelines lvl 99, VIP 14, 713 immortalized

Discussion in 'Star Trek Timelines Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by r0xx0r, 5/7/21.

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  1. r0xx0r

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    My Location:
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    Captain level 99
    16378 chronitons
    1078 dilithium
    145716 honor
    10946 merits
    7231402 credits
    27 5 star ships wit max level (Crew and Ships almost always make 10h voyages)
    2 Super Rare Citations
    3 Legendary Citations
    32000 dynamic officer training(best one) more than you will ever need
    Huge number of replicator rations
    89 voyage revival
    Full inventory
    713 immortalized crew and lot's of 1/5-4/5 waiting to be taken care of
    37 shuttle tokens
    Great gauntlet crew
    Member of a great fleet
    Starbase lvl 134
    59 polestars and 57500 ISM
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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