Selling Star Trek Online Super Lifetime Account

Discussion in 'Star Trek Online Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Halimash, 8/30/22.

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  1. Halimash

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    My Location:
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    Buy Now
    Endevour 600 Rank

    20+ Characters maxed out epic Equipment 200kdps+ all varieties, energy weapons all types, epg, minelayers, torpedo meta builds
    most of the ships and packs mudd store and zen store

    all event ships and stuff from beginning of sto

    all recruits tasks completed (Timeagent, delta, gamma, klingon)

    30k zen

    the only thing you need to do is doing events and if you want farm dilitium. and play around with builds, you got everything!

    i dont make pictures because i dont want to give information for cryptic to find out which account it is.

    and of course you can create new characters
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