Sold Star Trek Online Account for Sale lvl 50+ Pilot,...

Discussion in 'Star Trek Online Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Star Trek Online Accounts - Buy and Sell, 12/9/13.

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  1. Star Trek Online Accounts - Buy and Sell

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    Star Trek Online Account for Sale lvl 50+ Pilot, 5.440.854 Credits, 9+ Zen ships, etc A setup that made it possible for me to kill tactical pilots (federation, klingon) very easily.... *Prices are all over the place lately, so please offer me something good. Currencies: 5.440.854 Credits 98.617 Fleet Credits 5 fleet marks 7.808 Dilithium 76 Gold-Pressed Latinum 76 Lobi Crystals, Ships (most if not all ships are bought with zen) Multi-Mission Surveillance Explorer Multi-Mission Reconnaissance Explorer Multi-Mission Strategic Explorer Advanced Research Vessel Blockade Runner Escort Bellerophon Long Range Science Vessel Refit Vulcan D'Kyr Science Vessel Blockade Runner Retrofit Rhode Island Class Refit Current ship weapons: 2x[Aux Phaser Dual Heavy Cannons Mk XII [Acc]x2 [Dmg]] 1x[Photon Torpedo Launcher Mk XII [CrtD]x2 [Dmg]] 3x[Polarized Disruptor Turret Mk XII [CrtD] [Dmg]] (lots more very rare Mk XII weapons stashed in inv.) Shuttles: Advanced Danube Runabouts Advanced Delta Flyers Scorpion Fighters Reputation kit's: (currently fit) Assimilated Borg Technology (deflector/impulse/shields/console) Jem'Hadar Romulan Some of my consoles: 2xTactical - Photon Detonation Assembly Mk XII 1xTactical - Borg Console 2xEngineering - Neutronium Alloy Mk XI 2xScience - Particle Generator Mk XII 2xScience - Graviton Generator Mk XII 1xScience - Flow Capacitor Mk XII More in inventory... Lots of craftable materials... Pets Funny weapons like Ophidian Cane or Triolic Pattern Enhancer... just for fun Appearance (zen bought): 7 of 9 costume (i like my bridge officers sexy..) T'Pol Uniform Bridge (zen bought): Prometheus Bridges Lost of Universal consoles (most are exclusive with zen bought items) Console - Universal - Sympathetic Fermion Transceiver Console - Universal - Tachyon Detection Field Console - Universal - Quantum Field Focus Controller Console - Universal - Multidimensional Wave-Function Analysis Module Console - Universal - Photonic Displacer Console - Universal - Nadeon Detonator Console - Universal - Resonance Cascade Modulator etc. Lots of Elite (purple) Duty officers... Total Duty officers: 133 Special (earned or bought) bridge officers: Borg officer Breen officer My email is: [email protected]
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    Barry Sheppard

    Barry Sheppard
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    al u need to do is go engineer and be selfish to kill others baha
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    Çam Çole

    Çam Çole
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    How much
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    Maria Farrow

    Maria Farrow
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    Star trek stuff for sale chess set plates comics etc
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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