Selling  Android and iOS Star Trek Fleet Command US Server Ops 43 Top Alliance 1.2b Fed Lvl 4 Kelvin

Discussion in 'Star Trek Fleet Command STFC Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by William Conlin, 7/6/22.

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  1. William Conlin

    William Conlin
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    Selling my STFC Account.

    I'm in the process of moving and won't be able to focus on it as much as before so I thought it would be best to move it along to another player. I have played on my iPhone from the start.
    I have been a daily intensively active player since March, 2020 with over $5,000 spent on this account. Lots of Prime Bonuses/Research unlocked.

    I am asking $1,000 to recoup some of what I've spent and give someone an incredible deal!

    Server Info:
    - Highly Stable US Server 42
    - Widely Followed No Hit DS Mining Agreement

    Alliance Info:
    - Part of top server alliance. You can stay with them as long as you follow their rules.
    - Alliance consistently places at #1 or #2 in all events.
    - At time of posting, alliance has 5 players already over Lvl 50.
    - Lots of DS Armada action, great sharing, fun communication, highly active Discord.

    My Account Info:
    - Ops Lvl 43 with progress towards 44 already started
    - Federation Distinguished (1.2 billion rep), Klingon and Romulan locked at 20m each, Rogue Outlaw with weekly Ind. Credit Bonus unlocked.
    - 48 Officers Maxed, including Epic Kirk, Epic Pike and Epic Khan. Most characters fully acquired, just need to grind the experience to level them up. Fed, Kling and Rom recruit packs now result in lots of Transporter Credits allowing you to Max out other Epic Characters (my project lately has been Epic Riker)
    - Lots of Traits applied across Officers (Carol and Riker are well developed so Fed Away Team missions are 95% likely to resuly in Critical Success Rewards + Bonus pts.)
    - Been grinding like crazy and already have 150/350 BPS for Lvl 46 Battleship USS Newton
    - Kelvin Tier 4 ~ Over 7.2m power with Crew ~ Base Warp Range 150
    - USS Hydra Tier 3 ~ Can access DS easily ~ Base Warp Range 110
    - Fully Loaded USS Discovery ~ Can summon into DS
    - ISS Jellyfish T5 (~5.5m), Enterprise T6, Auger T4, Sarc 5
    - Numerous Scrapper Ships in progress (I grind and scrap a lot of Klingon and Romulan ships)
    - 2 Stellas in rotation (92/160 Stella Research)
    - 2 Full Range Meridians
    - USS Cerritos acquired and started leveling up
    - Lots of research completed, gives great bonuses
    - Lots of resources built up (constantly mining/refining)

    I'm sure there's things I've forgotten as there are so many facets to this game, but as I've said I am a daily player with an unfathomable amount of time put into the game. This is a chance to own a top tier account on a great server.

    If you are seriously interested, I can send screen grabs.

    Once a deal is made I will give you the info to transfer the account into your name.
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  2. OP
    William Conlin

    William Conlin
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    Price reduced to $500
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
  3. Solrath

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    Am wondering if this account is still available
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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