Wn username 20 beautifully decorated pets/lots of nc used/ glitched pet 10-13 site event trophies, up to date void 80-85 game trophies 325-335 avatars 10-15 site themes VWN 1000 bd pet Vwn 2000 bd pet Vwn 1600 bd pet 300 mil np avatars Wizard tcg Stamp Collector - Faerieland UD TCG - Starry Acara HT - Rich Elite HT - Richest Battleground: Thieves Guild Stamp Collector - Lost Desert Punchbag Battleground: Brute Squad Lever of Doom Techo - Cheesy Sewage Surfer Stamp Collector - Tyrannia Brightvale Imposter Apple Beware the Neggbreaker