Selling Stage 51 Solid KOG acc

Discussion in 'Yu-Gi-Oh! Yugioh Duel Links Accounts for Sale - Buy & Sell' started by Koruyo, 3/17/17.

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  1. Koruyo

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    Im selling my account for the main reason that i have played for 55 consecutive days, and that is pretty outrageous. I want to use my time for more useful things.

    Character lvls & rare skills:
    Yugi (30), Destiny Draw
    Kaiba (30)
    Joey (30), Luck on your side + Last gamble
    Mai (30), HHG
    Tea (7)
    Weevil (30)
    Rex (4)
    Mako (20)
    Keith (30)
    Ishizu (30)
    Odion (30)
    Pegasus (30), Toon world

    600 opened packs + 600k gold + 15k keys + 2k black,red,blue,yellow keys.
    Got most of the LD drops 3x (sold the rest, 30 SR/UR orbs atm), so you have enough gold and orbs to buy all you need from the shop.

    All in all a solid account, if you have any questions or want more info, ask me here or hit me a dm.

    Give me a good offer.

    Best Regards.
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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