Selling  High End  All Platforms  1-24 Hours Stacked Playstation Account - 2000+ light, Rare Day 1 emblems, 2+ K/D All meta Items, DLC

Discussion in 'Destiny 2 Accounts for Sale - Buy & Sell | Cheap & Safe' started by Expapples, 3/3/25 at 9:03 AM.

  1. Expapples

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    1. Bungie ID: Available upon request (free name change available) PSN: Available upon request (free name change available) 3 characters all 2000 base light
      Seals: Godslayer, Unbroken, Legend, Glorious, Deadeye, Flawless, Conqueror Guilded x5
      2 x Day one raid emblems (crota challenge and Vow of disciple) Pantheon full completion (all 4 emblems) Solo flawless dungeons: Pit of heresy, prophecy, shattered throne
      Cross save available (only used the psn)
      Free Bungie and Playstation name change available

      Crafted weapons: (Primaries: Auto rifles(ammit ar2, no hesitation, choir of one), bows(Under your skin, wish keeper, lethophobia), handcannons(austringer, zaoulis bane, nation of beasts), pulse rifles(piece of mind, syncopation-53, revision zero, phyllotactic spiral, scalar potential, outbreak perfected), scout rifles(doom of chelchis, transfiguration, dead mans tale, timeworn wayfarer), sidearms(empirical evidence, the call, aberrant action), submachine guns(osteo striga, submission, forensic nightmare, callus mini-tool) 26 total)
      (Special weapons: fusion rifles(likely suspect, techeun force, the eremite, scatter signal) glaives(the enigma, lubraes ruin) grenade launchers( forbearance, explosive personality, pardon our dust, dead messenger, lost signal) shotguns(Ragnhild, wastelander m5, no reprieve, heritage, until its return, supercluster, someday) sniper rifles(thoutless, defiance of Yasmin, volta bracket, supremacy, whisper of the worm) trace rifles(retraced path, appetence, chronophage)26 total)
      (Heavy weapons: linear fusion rifles(cataclysmic, taipan-4fr, briars contempt, doomed petitioner) machine guns (Quillims terminus, plancks stride, commemoration) rocket launchers(red herring, palmyra-B, Apex predator) swords(half-truths)11 total
      63 total crafted weapons 2 harmonizers (edited)

      Exotics weapons 86/114 primary(Sweet business, vigilance wing, crimson, jade rabbit, huckleberry, suros regime, Cerberus+1, wish ender, malfeasance, ace of spades, the chaperone, izanagis burden, the last word, arbalest, thorn, outbreak perfected, monte carlo, witherhoard, hawkmoon, no time to explain, dead mans tale, agers scepter, forerunner, osteo striga, touch of malice, quicksilver storm, revision zero, conditional finality, verglass curve, wicked implement, necrochasm, wish-keeper, khvostov 7g-0x)
      Energy Weapons(coldheart, merciless, fighting lion, sunshot, graviton lance, skyburners oath, borealis, risk runner, hardlight, Prometheus lens, telesto, polaris lance, trinity ghoul, wavesplitter, lord of wolves, le monarque, divinity, cloudstrike, ticuus divination, vex mythoclast, Lorentz driver, dead messenger, delicate tomb, the manticore, centrifuse, ex diris, choir of one, red death reformed, still hunt, ergo sum)
      Power weapons(the prospector, wardcliff coil, tractor cannon, legend of acrius, DARCI, The colony, sleeper simulant, whisper of the worm, two-tailed fox, black talon, queenbreaker, thunderlord, anarchy, xenophage, salvations grip, eyes of tomorrow, the lament, Gjallarhorn, parasite, grand overture, deterministic chaos, dragons breath, microcosm)

      Exotic weapon catalysts 35/68 completed with more obtained
      Exotic armour 119/135 Titan All exotic armour EXCEPT phoenix cradle and blast wave striders (new season boots) Hunter All EXCEPT assassins cowl, blight ranger, cyrtarachnes façade, mask of fealty, calibans hand, mothkeepers wraps, omnioculus, gyrfalcons hauberk and gifted conviction Warlock All EXCEPT mantle of battle harmony, mataiodoxia, rime coat raiment, secant filaments and swarmers
      Vault has some alternate stat rolls of meta armour and artifice armour
      PVP 2.24 trials K/D 2.18 K/D overall 130+ flawless’
      50k bright dust 30 ascendant shards 205 spoils 1300 silver
      Vault full of adept and meta weapons (large variety)
      If you have any further questions or want specific account information feel free to ask or pm expapples on discord Destiny 2_20250218115739.png Destiny 2_20250218115822.png Destiny 2_20250218115947.png Destiny 2_20250218115958.png Destiny 2_20250218120036.jpg Destiny 2_20250218115739.png Destiny 2_20250218115822.png Destiny 2_20250218115947.png Destiny 2_20250218115958.png Destiny 2_20250218120036.jpg Destiny 2_20250218120148.jpg Destiny 2_20250218115739.png Destiny 2_20250218115822.png Destiny 2_20250218115947.png Destiny 2_20250218115958.png Destiny 2_20250218120036.jpg Destiny 2_20250218120148.jpg Destiny 2_20250218115739.png