OG Overwatch occount. First and only owner. Over 500 skins including Pink Mercy, Lego Bastion, Nano Cola Dva, Florida Mayhem Roadhog skins, Noire Widow, Kerrigan Widow, Ange de la Morte Widow, Atlantic Allstars Mercy, Luchador Reaper and honestly a ton more. This was a casual player account so comp. never reached past gold really. Has 12 gold guns: Dva, Hog, Zarya, Junkrat, Soldier, Widow, Ana, Baptiste, Lucio, Moira, Zenyatta, Mercy This also includes my entire battlenet account, Hearthstone/World Of Warcraft (Time lost proto drake account+ other old rares) and Heroes of the Storm but I'm not going to put what is of note here. Whatever is there is yours but none of it has been played recently. Please feel free to ask me about other skins. Happy to answer any questions about this. I'm not a reseller by any means - just looking to pass on something I no longer use and maybe get a portion of what I put into it back.