Sold Stacked Bleach Brave Souls Acc. Global

Discussion in 'Bleach Brave Souls Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Jayy2livee, 10/14/22.

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  1. Jayy2livee

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    My Location:
    Price $:
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    Selling a Stacked Mid - End game account with TONS of characters and items detail below
    ~~~~~~~~~ level+currency
    Level 50 - League 10 (due to reset)
    600mil gold
    1600 spirit orbs
    ~~~~~~~~~ Limited time or # characters
    *Ichigo (2nd Anniversary) speed 1/5 lvl 200
    *Both Ichigo (4th Anniversary) heart 4/5 lvl 200 + mind 2/5 lvl 150
    *Byakuya (5th Anniversary) speed 4/5 lvl 200 (15/15/15)
    *Aizen (6th Anniversary) heart 5/5 lvl 200 (17/15/15)
    *Ichigo + Uryu (7th Anniversary) mind 3/5 lvl 200 + speed 1/5 lvl 119
    *Adult Ichigo (TYBW) mind 2/5 lvl 200 (10/12/10)
    *Retsu (SAFWY Untold Story) technique 5/5 lvl 200 (15/15/15)
    *Aizen (TYBW) technique 1/5 lvl 200
    *Yoruichi (TYBW) heart 2/5 lvl 200
    *both Kenpachi (SAFWY) technique 1/5 lvl 200 + power 2/5 lvl 200
    *Grimmjow (Cacao Society) technique 1/5 lvl 200 (15/15/13)
    Kisuke (SAFWY) power 1/5 lvl 200 (11/11/11)
    Kisuke (Fierce Battle) mind 2/5 lvl 200 (15/15/15)
    the list goes on lol… newer released characters, # characters, etc.
    There are still tons of ways to earn orbs on account… like a few story objectives i didnt fulfill, sub stories aswell with one chapter still incomplete easy and hard, a lot of events, etc. but i did quite a lot but only when needed too when rolling for characters i obtained… i mainly farmed the event for the tickets to acquire characters and items to save the souls as much as possible.
    if Interest or want to know more reach out to me on discord @ мєя#5243 or you can message under thread and ill come check back every day… im looking for around $600 but we can negotiate on the price… until bought ill keep logging in for the daily rewards.
    #1 Jayy2livee, 10/14/22
    Last edited: 10/14/22
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  2. OP

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    Tried to upload pictures but to large… so message me… on discord @мєя#5243 or snapchat @sonotjayyy for questions or to see the account
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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