Selling SSS-SS veteran rank android account

Discussion in 'Deadman's Cross Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by neophyte79, 4/12/16.

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  1. neophyte79

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    The account:

    Gear: 1 lv10 xmas tree earring, 1 lv5 Jeweled Dragon Earring, 3 each lv1 Jeweled earring, 21 each evil eye lv1, lv10 deadman tonic + 2 each lv1 deadman tonic, lv10 Sharp Claw + 2 each lv1 Sharp Claw, lv10 Pustulent eggs + 2 each lv1 Pustulent eggs, lv10 Electric Fiddle + 2 each lv1 electric fiddle, lv10 dry ace + 2 each lv 1 dry ace, lv10 gas burner + 2 each lv1 gas burner, 3 each parabolic antenna lv1, 3 each lv1 raptor wing, 3 each quick ring lv1, smart earring lv6 + lv2 + 4 each lv1, quick earring lv6+ lv5, strong earring lv6 + lv5, mental earring lv1, fresh earring lv10 + 4 each lv1. 17 each lv5 multigear + 83 each lv10 multigear, lv15 multigear nothing. Augmeting kits: 1-5 110 each, 6-10 82 each, 11-15 72 each, 16-20 15 each.

    The cards, exception virulent, pestilent, 4 *+, only normally 5*, every lv70 FB, my deck(+1 each choose pestilent) Avg Banshee, avg falcon duo(ex int psy), avg lilim witch, fresh xmas co-ed, fresh melusine, avg carbuncle, avg billy the kid, avg beatrice, qick the bard, perfect wyvern, avg carbuncle. This deck card.

    Other card: strong vampire lv69 clean(scrap tranfusion gear), quick jorogumo lv70 fb, quick shi lv70 fb, king arthur lv70 fb, quick sapphiris lv70 fb, smart smitten thorn lv70 fb, quick black leopard lv70 fb, perfect adamas lv70 fb, perfect ironhead lv70 fb, perfect behemoth lv70 fb, smart lubu lv70 fb, avg cinderella lv70 ligt boost(scrap hmd), perfect thief lv70 fb, perfect statue lv70 fb, mental statue lv70 fb(scrap 100 cr), strong skin golem lv70 fb, fresh helen lv70 fb, smart mokele lv70fb, quick jupiter lv70 fb, quick khan lv70 fb, marie ant rd70% (scrap health restoration) edgar newermore tough lv70 no boost, strong frenzied mushashi lv70 no boost fresh xmas coed lv70 no boost(scrap sharp claw), bathory quick v70 fb, captain kidd strong lv70 fb, avg anne bonny lv70 fb, mental apsara lv70 no boost(scrap dry ice), attack heli lv70(strong ring)

    Limited card(viru, pest):

    Pestilent lv70 no boost: medb, cat sh-it, shi, thor, ymir, edgar newermore, frenzied mushahsi, chocofiend emily, wild bill, canniphkeh FB!, swim team coed, egg thief, adamas FB!, Lubu FB!, lilim lv70 FB!. Only FB adamas, canniphkeh, lilim and lubu. pestilent decorated sonja lv1!!!

    Virulent: the bard lv70 fb, mixed virulent lv1-60 the next: brunhilde, freyjla, fighting coed, cupid hood, ice majesty, new year chiyome, xmas coed, aerogirl, beatrice lv70!, egg thief, medb, decorated sonja, thumbelina 3 each.

    Other: 11 each chrystal chick, 1 azure dragon, 1 alchemist, 1 azazel, 1 newton, 1 cleopatra, 1 smart astrobeast lv60, smart athena lv60, battleship yamato lv60, 32 each Bucket chick, 54 each fried chick, quick minotaur lv60 fb, perfect minotaur lv1, perfect gas lady lv60 fb, perfect consulting detective lv60 clean, perfect spartan lv60 clean, perfect mermaid lv60 half boost, perfect deathjet half rd clean, perfect rose gardener lv60 fb, perfect shoggot lv60 fb, 4 each death eye lv55( evil eye gear, scrap lv60 3 each)...+ other 4* max 10 each. 200 each bone chip.

    Boost: health +2 38 each, +10 9 each, +30 38 each, +50 19 each, +70 9 each, +100 268 each, +200 6 each.
    Psy: +2 102 each, +10 21 each, +30 80 each,+50 60 each, +70 11 each, +100 258 each, +200 3 each
    Atk: +2 62 each, +10 14 each, +30 92 each, +50 25 each, +70 7 each, +100 362 each, +200 4 each
    Def: +2 76 each, +10 12 each, +30 92 each, +50 24 each, +70 8 each, +100 285 each, +200 5 each
    Spd:+2 63 each, +10 6 each, +30 43 each, 50 24 each, +70 7 each, +100 257 each, +200 3 each
    Int: +2 86each, +10 21 each, +30 67 each, +50 25 each, +70 9 each, +100 298 each, +200 6 each

    Bone wins 2663, 150 coins, level 97, reputation 13, hardware 807889
    Please, only serious interest to write. Upon request, I do image. Please inquire privately. Best rank veteran 59.I hope you are not left out any information, if so, then I write. 95% accurate.
    Only paypal.
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  2. OP

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    I'm sorry, the price has fallen behind by mistake . $ 500 ... very very friendly . A lot of work and money in it ...
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  3. OP

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    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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