Selling  SSO Lifetime Account | EU Server | Lvl 12

Discussion in 'Star Stable Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Laraya, 9/20/21.

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  1. Laraya

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    Hey there, I have an old Account i don't need / use anymore.
    I know it doesn't have much to offer, it's only level 12, barely played. Actual SC Balance is 600 (bought two arabians), it has 6 horses (the soulsteed, two arabs, one etb, one mawari and the starter horse)

    nearly all quests still open and the story ready to explore, only unlocked areas are jorvil stables, southhoof and goldenleaf valley. It's located on a german server rn, i guess it can be changed for the country?

    I know it's not worth much money , i spend a total of 250€ since having this account, so feel free to make an offer! The price in the thread is just "there"

    i accept paypal
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