Sold SSA Global Account (5 SS and 54 S) (more info and photos via DM)

Discussion in 'Saint Seiya Awakening Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by MorgennStern, 9/10/21.

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  1. MorgennStern

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    Hello, I’m selling my SSA Global account, it has 5 SS and 55 S. I don’t have time to play anymore so I’m searching for someone who can actually enjoy playing. It’s lvl 56.
    117 / 142 Saints
    5 SS: Artemis, Athena, Thanatos, Hades (2) & Poseidon.
    S: Gemini Kanon, Hades Shun, the 12 gold saints (2 Afro, 2 Taurus, Camus 2, Aiolos-Aiolia 3), the 5 divines and Leo (4 Seiya, 2 Shun), Shion, Aiacos (2), Pandora (2), Myu (2), Mayura (2), Pope (2), G. Hyoga (2), Orfeus, Kanon SD (2), Saori, D. Leo, Minos (2), Pharao (3), Sorento and Krishna (2). Lune (2).

    182 purple books and 6 blue.


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    #1 MorgennStern, 9/10/21
    Last edited: 9/12/21
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