SRO Buying Buy Characters, SRO Accounts, SRO Accounts

Discussion in 'Silkroad SRO Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Silkroad, 10/2/13.

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  1. Silkroad

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    Hi, im selling a level 80 str glaiver on Aege server for ingame gold also on aege. The account has a pro set high 8th deg full blues all +4 and a lvl 72 +5 glaive full blues with good stats. It is also farmed very well just need about 10-15k sp to be fully farmed. The reason im selling it. Im only selling this account because i have made a europian char and my glaiver just sitting there doing nothing. How much is it? Well im looking for around about 500mill gold for this char considering it has the set and wep on it. I bought the set for 200mil so im trying to get about 300mill for the char itself. I will be open for offers aswell. How we do the trade. Due to all the scammers out there that reck it for everyone else. I will be asking for 50% of the money first then i give id and pw then the other half of the money then i give email id and pw ( because its verified. ) I will not change my mind on how to trade. I also have full screenshots of the account if you would like to see and are intrested in the account. MSN: ***************************************************** Xfire: mrlinkz SCAMMERS DONT BOTHER TRYING I KNOW ALL THE TRICKS OF THE TRADE HAPPEND SO MANY TIMES TO ME, I KNOW A SCAMMER WHEN I SEE ONE.[WTS]Lv80 Pure INT Mercury - WE or Bank transfer.
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