SRO Buy Account, Trading Buy Accounts SRO, SRO Account

Discussion in 'Silkroad SRO Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Silkroad, 10/2/13.

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  1. Silkroad

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    Alot of people have come together to start our own Plvling + SP farming Company on all servers. Ive looked around at other sites and we have the cheapest srvice by far I.E 1-80 from us is $480 and with other plvling places its $1200+ for 1-80. You should come along and check us out its a very fast helpfull secure and cheap site. Once we have got some cash together on each server we will also be selling gold and 8D items +5 up but that will be at a later date. If you need anymore info you can PM me here or reply to this topic. Thanks for taking the time to read this. We may even take payments with ingame gold ill have to talk it over with the rest of the staff. [Only registered and activated users can see links. ]wtt nuker spear lvl 78 in troy for nuker 70 + in alexander
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