Sold Spotify Premium accounts for botting / generating plays, GEO - 50 /1000

Discussion in 'Spotify Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by JeyDee, 11/8/21.

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  1. JeyDee

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    Make an order now: Discord: Sweet#7729

    Selling Spotify and other music-related accounts in bulk, mainly for generating plays / botting.

    Price for Spotify is 50$ per 1000 premium account if you buy from random country (mainly US+EU mixed)

    GEO available too, you can choose which country you want the accounts from, most of them should be available in higher quantity. GEO price is 60-120$/1k, depending on the country you choose.

    Music related accounts I sell in bulk:

    Spotify Premium - 50$ per 1k
    Tidal Premium - 90$ per 1k
    Napster Premium - 90$ per 1k
    Deezer Premium - 90$ per 1k
    Pandora Premium - 70$ per 1k

    Every account will be sold only once, so each buyer will get different ones.

    Accounts come with a 3-month replacement warranty.

    Make an order now: Discord: Sweet#7729
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