credits to gir four eighty nine Code: #include "CBackstab.h" #include "SDK.h" #include "CEntity.h" #include "Trace.h" #include "Util.h" const char *CBackstab::name() const { return "AUTO-BACKSTAB"; } void CBackstab::processCommand(CUserCmd *pUserCmd) { // if the # is not enabled if(!enabled->getValue()) return; // testing auto backstabb - works CEntity<> localPlayer(me); if(localPlayer.isNull()) return; DWORD hActiveWeapon = *localPlayer.getPtr<DWORD>(gEntVars.hActiveWeapon); // if the handle is not valid if(!hActiveWeapon || hActiveWeapon == -1) return; // get entity index from handle int localWeaponIndex = hActiveWeapon & 0xFFF; // set up entity from index of handle CEntity<CBaseCombatWeapon> weapon(localWeaponIndex); if(weapon.isNull()) // is not null return; if(!CEntTag{weapon.castToPointer<CBaseEntity>()}.isMelee()) return; //if(!weapon.get<bool>(gEntVars.bReadyToBackstab)) // is ready to backstab // return false; char *name = weapon->GetName(); if(name[10] == 'k' && name[11] == 'n') // check the important characters - there is only one weapon with a [k] and an [n] at pos 10 and 11 { // TODO fixme if(!canBackstab(weapon, localPlayer)) return; pUserCmd->buttons |= IN_ATTACK; } else { return; } return; } // backstab helper bool CBackstab::canBackstab(CEntity<CBaseCombatWeapon> &weap_entity, CEntity<> &local_entity) { trace_t trace; CEntity<CTFBaseWeaponMelee> tfweap(weap_entity.castTo<CTFBaseWeaponMelee>()); bool istrace = tfweap->DoSwingTrace(trace); if(!istrace) return false; if(!trace.m_pEnt) return false; if(trace.m_pEnt->IsDormant()) return false; CEntity<> other_entity(trace.m_pEnt->GetIndex()); if(other_entity.get<BYTE>(gEntVars.iLifeState) != LIFE_ALIVE) return false; classId Class = other_entity->GetClientClass()->iClassID; if(Class != classId::CTFPlayer) return false; int other_team = other_entity.get<int>(gEntVars.iTeam); // so we dont have to get the netvar every time if(other_team == || (other_team < 2 || other_team > 3)) // check team is not our team or invalid team return false; if(isBehind(other_entity, local_entity)) { Log::Console("Can Backstab!"); return true; } return false; } // we cannot get the viewangles of another player so this function is defunct // maybe look into how the engine does it bool CBackstab::isBehind(CEntity<> &other_entity, CEntity<> &local_entity) { if(other_entity.isNull()) return false; if(local_entity.isNull()) return false; // Get the forward view vector of the target, ignore Z Vector vecVictimForward; AngleVectors(other_entity->GetPrevLocalAngles(), &vecVictimForward); vecVictimForward.z = 0.0f; vecVictimForward.NormalizeInPlace(); // Get a vector from my origin to my targets origin Vector vecToTarget; Vector localWorldSpace; local_entity->GetWorldSpaceCenter(localWorldSpace); Vector otherWorldSpace; other_entity->GetWorldSpaceCenter(otherWorldSpace); vecToTarget = otherWorldSpace - localWorldSpace; vecToTarget.z = 0.0f; vecToTarget.NormalizeInPlace(); // Get a forward vector of the attacker. Vector vecOwnerForward; AngleVectors(local_entity->GetPrevLocalAngles(), &vecOwnerForward); vecOwnerForward.z = 0.0f; vecOwnerForward.NormalizeInPlace(); float flDotOwner = vecOwnerForward.Dot(vecToTarget); float flDotVictim = vecVictimForward.Dot(vecToTarget); // Make sure they're actually facing the target. // This needs to be done because lag compensation can place target slightly behind the attacker. if(flDotOwner > 0.5) return (flDotVictim > -0.1); return false; //typedef bool(__thiscall * IsBehindFn)(CBaseCombatWeapon *, CBaseEntity *); //static DWORD dwLoc = gSignatures.GetClientSignature("E8 ? ? ? ? 84 C0 74 08 5F B0 01 5E 5D C2 04 00 A1") + 0x1; //static DWORD dwIsBehind = ((*(PDWORD)(dwLoc)) + dwLoc + 4); //static IsBehindFn isBehind = (IsBehindFn)dwIsBehind; //return isBehind(local_entity.castToPointer<CBaseCombatWeapon>(), other_entity.castToPointer<CBaseEntity>()); } bool CBackstab::engineCanBackstab(CBaseCombatWeapon *weapon, CBaseEntity *target) { typedef bool(__thiscall * BackstabFn)(CBaseCombatWeapon *, CBaseEntity *); static DWORD dwBackstabLoc = gSignatures.GetClientSignature("E8 ? ? ? ? 84 C0 74 36 80 BF") + 0x1; static DWORD dwBackstab = ((*(PDWORD)(dwBackstabLoc)) + dwBackstabLoc + 4); static BackstabFn backstab = (BackstabFn)dwBackstab; if(!weapon || !target) return false; CUtilMove::safeRunSimulation(gInts.Prediction.get(), target); bool r = backstab(weapon, target); return r; } bool CBackstab::predicts(CEntity<> &local, CEntity<> &other) { return false; }