Selling my main account Sorc + a Cler almost lvl 55 but low gear. Sorcerer: PVE: Full anuhart set sockected and some parts enchanted, tunic is +10. Full Udas set sockected not enchanted. lvl 52 fabled necklace/earrings and 1 ring. +10 Tac officer fused weapon. Stormwing wings. PVP: Full lvl 55 AP fabled Accessories. 4 parts lvl 55 fabled AP gear fully socketed not fully enchanted. Only tunic missing. Crafts: Essence 420+ Alchemy: almost 399 Handcraft: 400+ 1 Silence Godstone not tradable ready to be used on a pvp weapon. Several consumables, skins, scrolls, etc... Siel energy active. Cleric: PVE only Steel Rake Gear Feel free to ask any questions about it.