Selling SoraArt - Minecraft Graphics (Revamp v2)

Discussion in 'Design Services for Sale - Buy & Sell' started by SoraArt, 2/24/17.

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  1. SoraArt

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    Graphics Order List -
    IGN -
    Type (Icon, Thumbnail, Banner, ETC) -
    Theme (Optional) -
    3D, Wallpaper Theme, or 2D (Optional) -
    Extra Information (Optional) -​

    Skype (For GFX) - tysongb4172
    IGN - Mikui
    Note - All my artwork have watermarks, so if you don't want any, don't order. The watermarks will be small and in the side though....​

    SoraArt - Minecraft Graphics (Revamp v2)
    #1 SoraArt, 2/24/17
    Last edited by a moderator: 10/28/24
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