Approved and Implemented Some small bugs / miscellaneous observations

Discussion in 'Suggestions' started by Ozymandias, 12/28/16.

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  1. Ozymandias

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    Verified Status: This user has completed basic background and ID verification Bronze Status: This user has successfully completed 3+ middleman transactions

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    My Location:
    These aren't issues, just some "nits" / small bugs I've observed last few days. Figured I'd let yall know.

    - Inbox. The post count for several of my conversation threads is wrong. For example, one of my conversation threads contains 8 posts, but my Inbox says it has 11 replies. Another conversation thread with Middleman has 4 posts, but my Inbox says it contains 5 replies. Etc.

    - Banned List. I can change the sort from chronological to alphabetical (by username), but only for Page 1. The results are always re-sorted back to chronological whenever I navigate to Page 2, Page 3, etc.

    - Ratings. This may be intentional, but I noticed that when a new post gets added to a Forum thread, the user's information is displayed next to his post but his ratings are not displayed (similar to Conversation threads). The ratings re-appear if you refresh the page or return to the thread, but they are never initially displayed.

    Again, all or some of these may not be bugs. They're just things I've observed on the site. Passing along in case yall are unaware of them.
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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  2. Admin

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    • Inbox issue should be fixed. Inbox count is for unread messages. If it's still not working let us know
    • Banned list already replied on this
    • Ratings - Can you send a screenshot?
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