Selling SOLS 49mil lvl 21 T4 account for sale HIGHLIGHTS:...

Discussion in 'Mobile Strike Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Andrew Smith, 6/16/16.

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  1. Andrew Smith

    Andrew Smith
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    SOLS 49mil lvl 21 T4 account for sale HIGHLIGHTS: Lvl 50 commander 100k Delt 1 research from Rocket Launcher 2 research from Tank 4 research from Demolition Maxed economic Tree (gold gathering lvl 7) Lvl 4 rebel target 5 deployments 1.3mil T1 advanced troops Full set of legendary research gear Top alliance in SOLS Gift lvl 23 Lvl 21 of at least one of every building 2 lvl 21 Training grounds 2 lvl 21 Banks Can get you account in less than 24hrs $1000 obo please inbox me for fastest response.
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