Sold Soldiers Inc. Account on Highlands: 28m offense, 68m defense

Discussion in 'Soldiers Inc Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Soldiers Inc, 8/12/18.

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  1. Soldiers Inc

    Soldiers Inc
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    --- General Information (some values slightly downsized) ---

    Server: Highlands
    Commander: since summer 2014
    Coords: x, y
    Level: 80s
    Executive Status Level: 11
    Executive Status Points: 17900
    Base defense (without any equipments): 6670
    Thulium in Storage: 251000
    IPs: 1500
    DIs: 12
    UDs: 400
    Diamonds: 100

    ZHG-Level: 200
    ZHG-Cobra-Level: 90

    A lot of 'friends' and no known enemies.

    --- Total Troop Strength as seen in combine stats (hint: without executive, hq bonus or enhancers) ---

    Total offense: 28.22 million
    Total defense: 68.22 million

    --- Command Buildings ---

    Engineers 4/4
    Commandant's Office: 22/22
    Joint Ops Center: 5/7
    Contracting Office: 20/22

    --- Production Buildings and Storages ---

    Oil Derrick: 25/25, 25/25, 25/25, 25/25, 25/25
    Munitions Factory: 25/25, 25/25, 25/25, 25/25, 25/25
    Landing Zones: 25/25, 25/25, 25/25, 25/25, 25/25, 25/25
    Fuel Silo: 7/7
    Arms Dealer: 7/7

    Field Kitchen: 22/25, 23/25, 22/25
    Storage Depot: 22/25, 23/25, 22/25

    --- Logistics ---

    Logistics Exchange: 24/24
    Maintenance Shop: 20/24
    Loading Dock: 24/24

    --- Other Buildings ---

    Air Traffic Control: 20/21
    Radar: 20/22
    Tracking Center: 6/7
    Medical Laboratory: 10/10
    Sick Bay: 13/16
    Recruit Depot: 9/10
    Bunker: 20/26
    Improvided LZ: (6/6)
    MARS Repair Vehicle: Auto Gun Repairs 5/5 25% increase in base gun repair speed.

    --- UCAV Deck ---

    Strike Points: 46604
    All Protocols 10/10 except Instant Recon Units: 7*/10
    Alpha Access Codes: 102
    Beta Access Codes: 44
    Gamma Access Codes: 83

    --- Contract Negotiations Statuses ---

    Light Infantry: 21/32
    Sapper: 30/32
    Light Sniper: 28/32
    Recon Operative: 30/32
    Combat Support: 30/32
    Assault Infantry: 30/32
    Indirect Fire Support: 20/32
    Heavy Infantry Support: 20/32
    Mechanized Infantry: 31/32
    Mobile Artillery: 30/32
    Antitank Missile Vehicle: 30/32
    Heavy Armor: 30/32
    Combat Aviation - Silver: 32/32
    Combat Aviation - Gold: 30/32
    Combat Aviation - Platinum: 30/32
    Air Support: 8/32
    Comsat: 1/32
    Modular Armor: 2/32
    H.E.A.T. Microwave Gun: 1/32
    Powered Exoskeleton: 1/32
    Recon Strength: 20/32
    Special Ops: 5/32
    Airborne Forces: 2/32
    Vulture Specs: 20/32
    Z-1 Black Eagle with EMP: 3/32
    RI-94 'Blizzard' Specs: 14/32
    System Specifications: 7/32
    Perimeter Security: Lvl 5
    Material Loading: 15/20
    UAV Intelligence Support: 30/32

    --- Armory ---

    2 x Platinum Agreements
    2 x Advanced Tail Rotors
    2 x "Viber" EMP Cannon
    1 x Stealth Generator
    2 x CQB-P 10mm "Desert Angel"
    2 x "Jackal" .50 Sniper Rifle
    1 x Urban Assault Weapon
    1 x "Enduro" L-R Assault Bike
    1 x Anti-Shrapnel Shields
    1 x "Chameleon" Active Camouflage

    --- Medical Laboratory ---

    Swiftness Level: 9 (activated, if removed safely, could be combined to level 10)
    Force Level: 9 (activated, if removed safely, could be combined to level 10)
    Agility Level: 9 (activated, if removed safely, could be combined to level 10)
    Unity Level: 10
    Shock Power Level: 10
    Strength Level: 10
    Endurance Level: 10
    Resistance Level: 10

    Injector Level 5-8: 3

    --- Training Center (selection) ---

    Sapper Training Speed: 40/40
    MQ-11B Traininng Speed: 40/40
    Recon Operator Training Speed: 40/40
    Heavy Sniper Training Speed: 40/40
    Assault Infantry Training Speed: 50/50
    M22043 Creighton Training Speed: 40/40
    Zaa'm MK IV Training Speed: 50/50
    MZ-29 Firedrake Training Speed: 40/40
    AH-24 Mohawk Training Speed: 50/50
    AH-72 Thunderhead Training Speed: 50/50

    Assault Infantry Speed: 40/40
    Zaa'm MK IV Speed: 40/40
    MZ-29 Firedrake Speed: 40/40
    AH-24 Mohawk: 50/50
    AH-72 Thunderhead Speed: 50/50

    Maximum Mercenaries: 40/40
    Negotiation Speed: 20/20
    Ration Consumption: 80/80
    Maximum Depots and Repositories: 30/30
    Veterancy Cost: 50/50

    --- COBRA Buildings ---

    Engineers: 1/2
    Parts Factory: 5/20, 3/20, 3/20, 3/20, 3/20
    Parts Storage: 8/20*, 7/20, 7/20

    All other built buildings at level 1

    --- COBRA Contract Negotiation Statuses ---

    Everything up to Spectre AFVs negotiated.

    Ranger Offense: 8/20
    Ranger Defense 9/20

    All other contracts at level 1

    --- Black Market ---

    Fuel Resource Production +25% 1 day: 17
    Fuel Resource Production +25% 3 days: 8
    Fuel Items Worth: 6.60 million

    Munition Resource Production +25% 1 day: 21
    Munition Resource Production +25% 3 days: 5
    Munition Items Worth: 5.29 million

    Ration Resource Production +25% 1 day: 22
    Ration Resource Production +25% 3 days: 9
    Ration Items Worth: 5.99 million

    Upgrade Designs 10: 8

    Executive: 90x30min, 18x60min, 3x1day, 1x2days, 1x7days

    -- Boosts --


    -- Special --

    Repository Gatherer +25%: 2
    Base Defense +10%: 9
    Decoy Army 8hrs: 11
    Decoy Army 1day: 2
    Experience Booster +50% 8hrs: 13
    Experience Booster +50% 1day: 5
    Total Protection 8hrs: 11
    Total Protection 1day: 5
    Recon Protection 1day: 3
    Defense Enhancer +10% 4hrs: 4
    Locations Detector: 1
    Auto Troop Hider 4hrs: 5
    Instant Callback: 12
    Operations Refresher (Spec Ops): 17
    Operations Refresher (Combine): 403
    Operations Refresher (Executive): 2
    Rations Consumption -25% 1day: 3
    Rations Consumption -50% 1day: 13
    Core Resource Production +25%: 20
    Precise Relocatior: 6
    Thulium 500: 22
    Thulium 1000: 135
    Force Tracker 25%: 1741
    Force Tracker 50%: 91
    Assignment Chip: 12

    --- Annotation ---

    * being negotiated at the moment
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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