Very powerfully account for its size. New server 3 weeks old Kingdom 91. Good server with spenders, will be KvK competetive server. I sell cause I spend to much time here, not cause it ain't fun. Vip 29 now Sh 27 Over 130 mil now. 40 m research power Over 10k research manuscript pieces. Super monster black dragon Hero level 55. T4 unlocked Cavalry gear loki goms and bull demon legendary and season 1 rare with master gems level 2-3 Well Over 2.8k% cavalry and nearly 2k Def Well Over 3million troops. Nearly 1m t4 Hunter gear Legendary. With level 6 courage gems Xxxk+ gold ( goes up and down Couple Months of mixed speedups Way Over 25 billion each rss Loads of other stuff. Contact me for more detail. Open for offers, just a price idea based on what I put into it