Hello Folks! I have bulk cash available atm and i have accounts available for sale too... Now we all know its risky but I am the most professional seller here and been selling for 4 years+ I will prove it that i am safe and will give you proofs of my sales too So you dont need to worry about safety its my guarantee and responsibility. Age: 5k+ BattleStats: 2.5bil+ Work Stats :700k+ Education all completed This is a best account in that price you wont find it ever I can sell cash separately for 800+ but it will risk the account so i want the whole account go safely You will be provided with associated email as well for 100% control and change of email option available as well I have easy and quick payment methods i.e Crypto,#,TransferWise,Gift Cards an many more Add me to discuss. Price is 500 USD or 420 GBP