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  1. QLC

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    Hi! I'm an old SWGoH player, since December 2015, that offers a hoarding service. If you are thinking to start a new account, the best is a hoard account, it means an account that has energy hoarded and that can get directly level 40, 50 or 60 in the arena and to have a good advantage against other players, so is granted the 500 crystals everyday, you will be rank 1 everyday. This strategy is legal, the devs already said that allow it, is not considered cheating, so your account will be save always, will not be banned.

    To hoard energy is needed stop to get experience at level 27 and get level 28 just when a new server is created, because usually every 10-12 days a new server is created so is important join at day 1, if you join at day 10 you lose all advantage. I have some accounts ready to check the new servers or I can create them, this is an extra service by only 10 dollars you can assure join just at day 1. Is 10 dollars because I need to create at least 5 accounts to check it, and every account needs between 20 and 30 minutes of dedication to get lvl 28, so is very cheap service.

    Everday you can get the 45+45 free energies, plus 45 and 45, so a total of 180 energy per day. At level 27 you have 2705 experience, is needed 10255 for level 40 (+7550), 26755 for level 50 (+24.050) or 53755 for level 60 (+51.050). Taking into account the free energy thanks to level ups, this is like 35 days for lvl 40, 120 days for lvl 50, 250 days for level 60.

    My recommendation is to get level 50 maximum, because if you get level 60 you will join in fleet arena directly and you will not have characters ready for fleet arena, so you wil not be in the top. Could be nice to get fleet tokens from first day anyway, because if you are rank 101-200 anyway you will get 1200 tokens per day, or at rank 201-500 is 1000 tokens per day, and with these tokens you can start to buy ships or save for zetas, and with the 500 daily crystals thanks to normal arena you can buy Bossk shards and Hound's Tooth blueprints, if you use HT and the phoenix ships you will be in the top of fleet arena very soon.

    If you buy a lvl 40 service you will be in the top from the beginning, but is not granted that you will dominate the arena, because lvl 40 is 10.255 experience, this is 5 days advantage, to be at same level, usually is better to have 10 days advantage, so the level 50 is the best, because is 24.050 experience, is needed 10-12 days to get this experience, and also is a good thing that you will be able to farm mods from the beginning, the mods makes a big difference, specially if you use nighsisters or Bastila team from the beginning.

    Also a level 50 account give me enough time to play nighsisters ev3nts, every month I can get an average of 6 Zombie ad Spirit shards, so with 120 days (4 months) is enough to unlock them, then you can buy Talzin shards easily thanks to the good rank in the arena, also as you will have a lot of cantina tokens (like 16.000 at least), you will be able to buy 20 Daka shards everyday, so with only 4 days will be unlocked, and thanks to be rank 1 in the arena everyday you will get 1.100 tokens everyday, this is 13,75 shards per day, so with also only 4 days you will unlock Asajj Ventress, so you will be able to use Talzin, Asajj, Daka, Zombie and Spirit from the beginning, or Talia or Acolyte instead of Spirit if you want. Nighsisters is the best team at the beginning, and thanks to the montly ninghsisters ev3nt, available from level 20, is very easy use them at the beginning and dominate the arena from lvl 28 to lvl 80 at least, also is good team from lvl 80 to lvl 85, but you can farm other teams meanwhile, like a Old Republic/Jedi team, or a Palpatine team.

    I know a guild doing 15k tickets per day playing Tier 3 raids, that accept hoard accounts, is a guild for hoard accounts, where is needed an account doing 600 tickets and the hoard account, by this way the hoard account get a lot of guild shop currency, while the other account do tickets to play raids. By this way is very easy get a 7 stars character very fast, because with raids and daily activities is possible to get an average of 7,5 shards per day, so to get a 7 stars character only is needed 44 days, so you will be able to get 3 7 stars characters with guild shop, for example Young Han Solo, TIE/FE First Order Pilot and Darth Maul, then you will have 2 good characters for fleet arena (Pilot and Darth Maul) and 1 good character for the arena at the beginnnig and for raids, or if you prefer I can farm Old Ben and Aayla, or to farm Talia and Acolyte, you can check and decide which 3 characters you want make 7 stars from the beginning. Then with the 10k cantina energy hoarded you will be able to farm 1 cantina character to 7 stars, for example Ezra, and unlock another character, for example Hera, if you want a Phoenix team from the beginning, that also is a good option, because the Phoenix ships are good for fleet arena with Hound's Tooth. In the hoarding service is included the second account to do tickets and be accepted by that guild.

    For most of people connect 3 times per day during 120 days is boring and most of people not have enough time and/or patience to do it, but if you pay it, by 20 dollars per month, in 4 months you will be able to dominate the arenas.

    If you want use a Bastila team from the beginning you will be able to farm her from the beginning, while other players cannot do it, because is needed level 49 to play the 5-B dark side hard node, so other players need 10 days to get that level, but you will be level 50 directly, so you will be able to farm Bastila from the beginning, so playing 8 battles everyday and buying 2 refreshes by 25 and 50 crystals, playing 24 battles per day you will get 8 shards per day, it means with only 3 days you will unlock Bastila, as you will be able to play it at level 49, but will be enough energy for level 50, also it means that you wll be able to play that node at level 49 so only will be needed 2 days to unlock Bastila, so you can use her as leader, with 7 stars Ezra, 7 stars Old Ben, and also you can choose oher jedis to farm in guild shop, by this way get Yoda when is back the ev3nt, maybe 7 stars Aayla and 7 stars Barriss or 7* Kit Firsto or 7* Ima-Gun Di, so you can have 4 jedi characters at 7 stars from the beginning, the last, to get 7 stars Yoda, could be Mace Windu or Kanan, probably Kanan is the best option, because is good for the arena and fleet arena, or you can farm Ahsoka that also has a good ship at the beginning, 10k cantina energy hoarded means 16k cantina tokens, this is 40 cantina purchases, multiplied by 5 is 200 shards granted, so your Ahsoka could be 6 stars from the beginning, with only 16 days (4 purchases per day = 20 shards per day, is needed 330 shards for 7 stars) will be 7 stars, so if the Yoda ev3nt starts in 10 days you will be able to get 7 stars Yoda from the beginning, it makes a big advantage in the arena. You can try join in the new server when the Yoda ev3nt is near to be launched, for example 20 days before is launched, then only very few players will have enough time to farm all needed jedis to get him. If you have Bastila, 7* Old Ben, 7* Ezra, 7* Yoda and 7* Aayla/Barriss from the beginning, or Kanan instead of Aayla/Barriss, will be very easy for you defeat all enemies in the arena and almost nobody will be able to defeat you.

    If you prefer a nighsisters team, the way at level 50 is use all cantina energy to get 7 stars Acolyte or 7 stars Talia, the best is farm both, because for Talzin ev3nt is needed 5 nighsisters at 5 stars, so you can farm Acolyte to 7* and then Talia to 5*, for example. Then you will get 200 Daka shards from the beginning (16k cantina tokens), so you will unlock her with only 4 days, will be 5 stars with an extra 3 days, 6 stars with an extra 4 days and 7 stars with only 5 extra days, so 16 days as total to make Daka 7 stars. Being rank 1 in arena you will unlock Asajj Ventress in 3 days, then is 13,75 shards per day, so will be 4 stars in 3 days, 5 stars in 7 days as total, 6 stars in 13 days as total and 7 stars in 20 days as total. You will be able to farm Talzin with the arena rewards, you can get 6,25 shards per day (500 crystals divided by 80), so will be unlocked with only 4 days (25 shars). Already you will have Zombie unlocked thanks to the montly nighsisters ev3nt, so with only 4 days you will have 3 stars Talzin, 7 stars Acolyte, 3 stars Asajj, 4 stars Daka and 3 stars Zombie. Then, with only 1 extra week your Asajj will be 5 stars and your Daka near to 6 stars, while your Talzin, if you continue buying shards (6,25 per day), will be 4 stars with some shards to 5 stars. At the end of second week your Daka will be 7 stars, your Asajj 6 stars and your Talzin 5 stars. At the end of third week your Asajj will be 7 stars, your Talzin will be 6 stars near to 7 thanks to Talzin ev3nt and soon you will be able to continue farming Zombie to make her 4 stars, or you can wait level 76 to farm her in the 8-D dark side hard node, you can get level 76 in 39 days, or also you can farm Talzin from level 74 in 8-A light side hard node, so you can get that level in 32 days, 1 month, for if you want get 6 stars Talzin and then start to farm Zombie by crystals, or simply you can farm Talzin to 5 stars and then start to buy Bossk and Hound's Tooth shards, the HT also is farmable in the 8-D light side hard node from level 74, but as you join in fleet arena at level 60 would be better get 3 stars Bossk and 3 stars HT by crystals, at least. Nighsisters is one of the best teams at the beginning, only become worse when people start to get zetas, like Palpatine zeta, Bastila zeta, Revan zeta, and anyway they can defeat all these teams and still are a little hard for them on offense, so probably they will avoid you, but anyway you can farm other teams at same time and switch to jedi, Old Republic or Palpatine team when you want.

    If you prefer the Phoenix way (that with Bastila and nighsisters teams, is another good option at the beginning), then you can get 7 stars Ezra from the beginning and then farm Hera, must be enouhg because with 10k cantina energy hoarded you can play 1.250 battles, with a 33% rate (1/3) it means 417 shards, is needed 330 shards for 7 stars, so you will have 7 stars Ezra and you will be able to get 4 stars Hera from the beginning, then you can continue farming Hera next days and very soon will be 7 stars. Then, with the cantina tokens you can farm Chopper, so you will unlock him with only 4 days, will be 5 stars with an extra 3 days, 6 stars with an extra 4 days and 7 stars with only 5 extra days, so 16 days as total to make Chopper 7 stars. Being rank 1 in arena you will unlock Kanan in 3 days, then is 13,75 shards per day, so will be 4 stars in 3 days, 5 stars in 7 days as total, 6 stars in 13 days as total and 7 stars in 20 days as total. From the beginning you will be able to play Galactic War, getting 1200 tokens per day, this is 15 shards per day, it means that Zeb will be unlocked in 2 days, then 2 days for 4 stars, 4 days for 5 stars, 6 days for 6 stars and 7 days for 7 stars, so with only 21 days will be 7 stars also. To get level 60 you need 9 or 10 days, and then you need some days to farm the Phoenix ships, so when you are ready to use Phantom II and Ghost ships your Phoenix characters will be 6 stars all of them at least, with Ezra 7 stars, so you will be able to dominate the fleet arena, or at least be in the top everyday. The Phoenix are good in normal arena until the Bastila teams get Yoda, so you must be ready to get Yoda and switch to a jedi team with Bastila as leader. As you already will have 7* Ezra and 7* Kanan, you can farm JC and Windu to 7* and basically farm Bastila with hard nodes and crystals meanwhile, then you will be able to get 7* Yoda.

    As is possible to get a 7 stars character thanks to guild shop with only 44 days, the account will be able to play the Heroic The Pit and Heroic AAT raids, so will get Han Solo and General Kenobi shards during 76 days, it means to have 100/145 GK and 100/145 Han Solo shards, to get it would be needed find some guild playing heroic raids that accept hoard accounts, but already I know some of them, my service includes to be always in a Heroic guild. Currently I have a hoard account lvl 27 inside a 50 million GP guild, a guild without rules but playing heroic raids and doing 20k tickets per day, this guild has 5 spots open. When you get level 28 and 50 you will be able to find some more active guilds, maybe some 75M GP guild, or continue inside this guild if you want and continue getting GK and Han Solo shards.

    So I think is a very good service, is 20 dollars per month, the payment is monthly, so with only 80 dollars you will be able to have a very good team from the beginning, with GK and Han Solo almost unlocked (100/145). If you want start with GK and Han Solo unlocked from the beginning also I can do it, would be needed wait an extra 36 days, because is an average of 1 HAAT raid every 4,5 days and 1 HPit every 3 days, with 6 and 5 shards per raid, so to get 45 GK shards is 8 raids, it means 36 days, 1 month and 1 week, so an extra 25 dollars (27 days to unlock Han Solo), by 105 dollars you can use GK and Han Solo from the beginning. If you want a lvl 27 account with GK and Han Solo already unlocked the price would be between 100 and 150 dollars anyway, at least, maybe more, but not exist anybody selling that thing, the only way is build it, you can do it by yourself, but if you not have enough time and/or patience to do it, you can buy my service.

    I think is very nice service to get a very fun thing, that is use a good team (Bastila, nighsisters or Phoenix) from the beginning, with some characters 7 stars, with all 7 stars with only 20 days, dominating the arena, with 3 characters you can choose to make 7 stars from guild shop, with GK and Han Solo almost unlocked (100/145 with 4 months services) or completely unlocked (5 months service), you can talk with me by chat apps and we can talk about the best strategies to dominate both arenas (normal and fleet), also you can buy the Server Service by only 10 dollars, to assure join in the arena server just when is created, and you never will need buy crystals, because you will be rank 1 in the arenas always, so you will get 900 full crystals everyday (without refreshes).

    If you spend 100 dollars to buy crystals you will not get a lot of advantage, 100 dollars is 15.710 crystals, so you can buy 157 energy refreshes by 100 crystals each, this is 18.840 energy, it means, divided by 3.000 exp/day, to have an advantage of 6 days, so is the same than hoard during 105 days, but with a worse situation, because to spend all these crystals is needed to wait a lot of days, because when you buy the 100+100+100 refreshes then the next are 200+200, too much expensive, so you need wait the next day to spend the next 300, or the next 600 taking into account the cantina refreshes, so you need wait 31 days to spend all these 600 daily crystals, so you would not be able to get 7 stars characters from the beginning with the cantina energy, because you would need 31 days to spend all these crystals, so you will not be able to play Heroic raids and continue farming General Kenobi and Han Solo, you will need search a worse guild playing lower tier raids, so you will get much more worse rewards, worse gears, less credits, less guild shop tokens, and you will start the account with 0 guild tokens, when with my service you start with 3 characters at 7 stars, this is 1.000 shards, so like 80.000 spended guild tokens, and anyway you will need some days to get level 40 and start to play Galactic War, at least 3 days, so you will lose 3 days of GW tokens, this is to lose 45 shards, and also you will not be able to farm mods from the beginning, to get lv 50 with 6 normal energy and 6 cantina energy refreshes is needed wait 1 week at least, so your are team will be much more worse without mods during these 7 days, you will not dominate the arena, and you will start with 0 GK and 0 Han Solo shards, so you will need some months to get them, at least 3 months if your guild is very active doing 25-30k tickets per day, or 4 months if is a guild doing 20k tickets per day, so spending 100 dollars in the game you not get almost any advantage in the game.

    But if you spend 100 dollars in my service you will be directly level 50, with General Kenobi unlocked, Han Solo unlocked, with enough energy to make a cantina character 7 stars directly, for example Ezra or Acolyte/Talia, with enough energy to make 5 stars another character, for example Hera or Unmasked Kylo Ren with his ship, you will be able to choose 3 characters to make 7 stars with the guild shop, for example Old Ben, Young Han Solo, TIE/FE Pilot, Darth Maul, Aayla, Barriss, Kit Fisto, Ima-Gun Di, Jyn, Kylo Ren or Sun Fac are some of the best options, you will have a lot of materials to improve the abiliies to tier 5 or 6 from the beginning, a lot of gears to make gear 6 and gear 7 the characters from the beginning, they will have protection from the beginning, if you want use nighsisters you will have Zombie and Spirit already unlocked thanks to the montly ev3nts, so would not be needed spend 2000 crystals only to get Zombie, you will have a lot of sim tickets, around 2000 sim tickets, the sim tickets are a problem at the beginning before level 60, when you start to get 150 daily sim tickets thanks to fleet arena rewards, but with 2000 sim tickets you will be able to simulate all the energy hoarded and not be worried about it, you will be able to farm Bastila from the beginning, because is farmable at level 49, if you buy crystals by 100 dollars you need wait 1 week before be able to farm her, your farmings will be very fast thanks to have 10k cantina energy hoarded that will allow you to get a cantina characters directly to 7 stars and to buy 20 cantina shop shards everyday, plus to play Galactic War from the beginning and unlock interesting hard nodes from the beginning, so I think the 5 months services is the perfect situation for a full fun game, but if you prefer you can do only 45 days to level 40, or maybe 2 or 3 months, or simply 4 months for level 50 and unlock GK and Han Solo during the next month by yourself, you can chose the best for you, the payment is monthly, so no problem.

    I only accept PayPal payment (credit card or PayPal balance). PayPal is the most important company in the world about Internet payments, includes a buyer protection system where if you pay it as a product (when seller pay the fees) you have 180 days buyer protection that consist in that you can reclaim your money back and get a refund instantly if you are not happy with the transaction, so is not needed use other protection systems. You can search on Google "PayPal buyer protection" and you will find all explanation about it. Anyway, as you see, I'm verified user on playerup, already I sold another 12 accounts, most of them lvl 85, you can search my messages marked as "sold" and you can check nobody reclaimed it. After pay it is granted that you will be able to play the accounts in less than 5 minutes.

    If you are interested, the best is talk with me by some chat app directly.

    My Discord ID is Quim#3389

    My WhatsApp is +34 684217556

    My Line ID is QUIMLC

    My Telegram ID is QUIMLC

    My Skype ID is QUIMLC

    My mail is [email protected]
    #1 QLC, 12/3/18
    Last edited: 12/3/18
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    Hi people! As I wrote that message 2 months ago I would like to let you know that still I'm offering that hoarding service, currently I'm doing it to some people but still I can do it with more people, for players who are interested to get directly a lvl 50 account with General Kenobi and Han Solo unlocked, to dominate the arena, being always rank 1, and with these crystals buy Bossk and Hound's Tooth shards to dominate fleet arena also, by this way nobody will be better than you, the F2P and P2P players will be worse than you. See you guys!!
  5. WintersSolstice

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    Thanks buddy - I’m checking in on it every other day- looking good! I’ll promote you
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