Selling SOLD [WW] Fresh Tales of the Rays Acc with 2 MAs (Ix + Sophie, Sorey + Mikleo, etc)

Discussion in 'Tales of the Rays Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by OldManOfThePeak, 8/15/17.

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  1. OldManOfThePeak

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    GLOBAL - ANDROID/iOS Interchangeably

    Wanna sell some fresh Tales of the Rays Accounts with double Mirrages!

    1. Ix + Sophie Mirrages + 4* Weapons- 35$

    2. Ix + Yuri Mirrages - 30$

    3. Jude + Sophie Mirrages + 4* Weapons - 25$

    4. Sorey + Mikleo Mirrages - 25$

    5. Mikleo + Luke Mirrages - 20$

    - Account works for both Android and iOS
    - Tutorial only, no story touched
    - Account is linked to Bandai Namco ID

    Payment via Paypal only
    For more info or question, feel free to PM me
    Best Regards!

    P.S. I also have various account with single Mirrages on listing here
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