SOLD WTS all skill lvl55 EU account with epic T6 greatsword, multiple gearsets

Discussion in 'Archeage Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by SamMiguelPerea, 9/25/16.

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  1. SamMiguelPerea

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    Want to sell my ArcheAge accounts because of quitting the game due personal reasons. The main account has a character with 5.5k gs darkrunner gear and 5.3k gs healer gear, all skills maxed (lvl55).

    The offer includes the gear, warehouse and chest contents (worth thousands of gold) of all characters on both accounts and land:
    1x Armorer's townhouse and 2x 24x24 in Rookborne, 1x 24x24 in Hellswamp, 1x 16x16 in Solis and 1x 16x16 in Villanelle (EU - Sirothe) and 2x 8x8 in Cinderstone (NA - Kyrios).
    Server transfer and name change available. EU characters are easteners, the NA chars are from the west.

    Notable valuables:
    3x unused hero toughness gems, 4k gold in EU.
    4.8k gold and 15 APEX in NA.
    Lots of labor pots in both regions, ten thousands of labor.

    The darkrunner gear consists (also see on the image):
    Epic T6 Greatsword - full focus gemmed
    6/7 divine armor (boots not divine)
    Divine epherium bow - full gemmed
    Divine battlerage instument - full gemmed
    Divine earring
    Divine ring
    Unique Dreamring (only some of the Dahuta and Serpentis dungeon runs missing)
    Also divine costume, epic cloak and epic warrior's medal necklace.
    It has a lot of potential, only honor gems were used mostly.

    The healer gear is celestial cloth with a few divine parts, like hood, shirt and the weapon which is a divine shortpear (also celestial shield, celestial T3 obsidian bow and full gemmed divine auramancy instrument). Epic cloak for healing. The main character also has a T4 celestial plate gear.

    Notable vehicles: Redwood Roadster, celestial Lutesong Junk, epic merchant ship, red hauler, iron clad, longboard, fishing ship.
    Notable mounts: Earthen Roar and Crimson Lighting. Pet: Narayana Squire.

    Most notable proficiencies:
    Main character EU: 180k+ farming, 180k+ larceny, 180k+ commerce, 70k gathering, 55k alchemy.
    Main account, 2nd EU character: lvl55 primeval. 105k leatherwork, 80k husbandry.
    Main account 1st NA character: lvl55 argent, 180k handicrafting, 180k mining, 180k printing, 70k masonry.
    Second account's EU character: lvl55 cleric/archer/mage with 3.8k gs healer gear atm. 180k mining, 135k gathering, 80k logging, 70k masonry
    Second account's NA character: lvl55 primeval. 180k carpentry, 110k husbandry, 70k tailoring.

    Imgur album regading the account details / chest contains: (char names were wiped due privacy reasons)

    Also there are 26 aged cheese packs in Hellswamp waiting for delivery and some Rookborne packs in Rookborne.
    The accounts don't have patron status at this moment, but with the APEXes included you can get 30 day patron pass. Land is prepaid for about a week or two.

    About the price... I'm looking for about 339 USD or 299 EUR or willing to sell to the highest bidder. Only serious offers please, no scam and stuff.
    The second account is gratis for the main one. Since I'm quitting I have no use of it anymore.
    PM me your contact details if you are interested in buying and I get in touch with you as soon as possible.
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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