[SOLD] TSW Account 88% Wheel 10.1-10.4 gear

Discussion in 'The Secret World Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by The Secret World, 10/2/13.

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  1. The Secret World

    The Secret World
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    Toon on this account has head, neck, ring, elemental, and shotgun 10.4, wrist and coin 10.2 hardmode drops, and 10.1 occult and waist. Has 4-5 master planner achievements, lore achievement rewards. Totall hard mode DPS machine. Tons of other 10.1-10.2 dungeon drops for other specs. Im looking for $120 for the account, it has no gametime on the account so you'll have to purchase that as well.
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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