SOLD Multiple Top 3 PvP Titles, Almost Unlimited Cartel Coins and More

Discussion in 'Star Wars The Old Republic SWTOR Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by tunoora, 7/17/16.

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  1. tunoora

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    I'll keep this short and sweet, if you would like images of anything from the account please feel free to message me and I will happily send screenshots of it to you. I am selling my account which has the most amount of Top 3 PvP titles in the game. My guildmates and I dominated the solo ranked and group ranked scene for many seasons until we decided to quit. My three teammates lost their accounts a few months back due to a credit exploit (quite happy I didn't participate in it since I was the only one remaining with an account). This is a brief description of what the account holds.

    Top 3 PvP titles for Seasons 4,5 and 6.
    Only three other people in the world have this same title for their class during that season, These titles are no longer attainable and are extremely rare. I also have many Tier 1,2 and 3 titles on numerous characters starting from season 1, however I did not take it as seriously until 3, which is when we started getting our top 3 titles. I will only list the top 3 titles here as follows.

    Season 4: The Dread Powertech
    Season 5: Champion of the Powertechs
    Season 6: Apex Powertech

    Season 4: The Dread Gunslinger
    Season 5: Champion of the Gunslingers

    Season 4: The Dread Juggernaut

    Season 5: Champion of the Vanguards

    I also have multiple sets of the Famously Furious Armor Sets and Weapons. Baron Deathmark Walkers, several PvP Nexu Mounts and over 200,000 in season 6 tokens spread out across my account.

    The powertech and sorcerer have already achieved tier 1 for the current season, season 7, as they have 2000 and 1700 rating respectively. Meaning you won't have to worry about trying to get the rewards for the current season as you are guaranteed already to receive them.

    All tanking classes are currently BIS/MinMaxed for PvP, as well as for their dps counterparts. You won't have to grind any gear to hop right in!

    The other big selling point are the Cartel Coins. My account currently has over 12000 cartel coins and that climbs consistently due to having over 150 refer a friend subscriptions that give 100 cc monthly to the account.

    I have several rare armor sets, weapons and mounts. This account also has access to a guildship.

    As you can see this is probably the last standing true PvP account,having dominated the PvP scene, attained numerous rare titles, weapons, and armor. If you're interested feel free to message me. Thank you.
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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