Selling SOLD H1Z1 KOTK Fight For Crown and more Account

Discussion in 'H1Z1 Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by zantoratv, 4/23/17.

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  1. zantoratv

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    My Account is LVL 59 about to be 60 and has 350 hours on it plus platinum last season and has the following-:cool::cool::cool:
    Fight for the Crown Hoodie- As rare as it gets.
    Arachnid Full helmet - Rare
    Blue rabbit Mask - Standard
    Green plait holiday tactical helmet- uncommon
    Nomad Leather Jacket - Common
    Tribute Backpack - Rare
    Tribute Shotgun - Rare
    Patriotic Boots - Common
    Heavy Assault military pants - uncommon
    Tech fingerless Gloves - common
    Tech Shemagh - common
    Account Has TONS! Of Cases to open.
    Gray and red armour - uncommon
    Make A Reasonable OFFER
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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