Selling [SOLD] Gold America - WI server Hello, Would buy...

Discussion in 'Order and Chaos Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Order & Chaos Accounts - Buy and Sell, 2/26/13.

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  1. Order & Chaos Accounts - Buy and Sell

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    [SOLD] Gold America - WI server Hello, Would buy golds, preffered price is 10$ for 1000g. Buying only from trusted sellers. Thanks WTS Android Account with 3 LVL60 Equipped Toons [Android] WTS my personal account with 3 level 60s on full rune gear and accessories. RANGER, TANK, MAGE. all in one account. all toons on US-Arcadian forest server. MEET ME IN-GAME ONLY for $140. With 10,000 Gold and 100 runes ready to use. Ranger: LVL60 -With epic Head, Boots, Gloves, and L -Black Lotus and Epic Devil Dagger -Carrion Long Bow -2pcs Withered Ring of Offense -1pc Swift Brand -Kermodes Tear -Bloodmoon -WITH 9,000 GOLD TANK: LVL 60 -full rune gear -epic head, boots -ariels abjection -black lotus, epic skeleton -2pcs withered ring of the guardian -2pcs kermode -windcutter -with 1000 gold MAGE; LVL 60 -all rune gear -epic head and boots -Heartforger of sorcery -evil eye necklace of sorcery -2pcs withered ring of sorcery -2pcs swamp eye account with 10,000 GOLD and 100 Runes all for $140 via PayPal account. Android server only! send me private message or email me at iamtamatmai@ WTS IOS Devine or Mill Monk 5/6 Observers Market Hi guys Decided i'm going to now focus on my uni work as i'm further behind as originaly thought. No doubt if I do return i'll come back here and purchase another char in the future. I have changed the email for this account to a spare email account which i'll also give to the owner the details to (). Details about Monk : Female Elf IOS Observers Market -Master Tailoring Epic Equipment: Hood of Devout Healer of God Hands of Devout Healer of God Legguards of Devout Healer of God Shoes of Devout Healer of God Shoulder of Devout healer of God I have also learned recipes for Furious Holy Punisher set...! Synthesis Book: Devout Mark x2 Essence of the Swamp x3 Essence of Eristar x2 Blue Equipment/Dungeon Drops: Mini Nightmare Demon Withered Ring of Salvation x2 Heartforger of the Rainbow Swamp Eye x2 Eye of the Head Kermode's Tear Magic...
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