Hello, Selling EU server account para 2750+ D3+RoS+Necro Pack. -I'm the original owner -Battletag change free available -Never botted, flagged, banned, exploited, rollbacked This is a multi chars account, high solo ranks done with many classes, all those chararacters can go much higher and get very top rank solo AND multi. All characters are very well geared with all builds requirements, all caldesaned with 80+ gems, lot of primals. -Necro Inarius 4.4M DPS ( top 100 4 men with GR117 done as boss killer ) -Necro Trag'Oul 3.5M DPS, full CDR ( GR100 solo done ) -Shadow Impale DH 4.2M DPS ( GR95 solo done ) -LoN WD 5M DPS ( GR95 solo done ) -LoN Monk 4M DPS ( GR95 solo done ) -UE DH Multishot 5.4M DPS -UE DH Grenade 3.3M DPS tons of Area Damage -Marauder DH 3.6M DPS -Generator Monk 3.8M DPS -Inna Pet Monk 3.4M DPS -Healer Monk 215k+ life per globes -Support Barbarian Main DPS legendary gems are 100+ , bane of the trapped level and stricken 110+ More than 120 gems level 80+ ready for caldesan Totally insane amount of crafting materials, almost never used any All white weapons rare transmogs, some frames, pets, pennants... 14 characters level 70 at least one of each class, 2 Necro I kept every interesting primal and very nice ancients More than 500 keyrifts One seasonal stash tab unlocked 250 000 000 000+ gold It's a very complete account, all actuals characters are ready to play, still huge amount of crafting mat to satisfy any of your wishes. I've already done solo 95 with lot of chars just to show huge potential of the account, 4 men 117 closed as Necro Boss Killer, can open 118 and reach MUCH higher. Price is 490€ Thanks.