Selling SOLD Chaos MvPs and zeny

Discussion in 'Ragnarok Online Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Flashing Lights, 9/14/17.

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  1. Flashing Lights

    Flashing Lights
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    selling zeny $29/1b
    i will give a # for 5b+ purchased at a time.

    30b stocked

    tao gunka woe robe +12
    tao gunka woe suit +12
    samurai spectre tg giant xbow +12
    gtb immune shield +12
    gtb imuke shield +12
    gtb mad bunny +12
    kiel black devil mask
    kiel cat ear beret +12
    kiel heart wing +12
    dracula tae goo +12
    eddga dex boot +12
    fallen bishop dex boot +12
    fenrir heartwing +15
    dark lord variant +12
    nid card in geffen robe +9
    beelzebub card uncarded

    please pm your skype all cards are legit and have a ticket to go with them. cards can be decarded upon request.
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