Sold SOLD Account with 257/312/308 Lena and a 182/285/242 Anika - lots of pics $100 obo

Discussion in 'Heroes of Incredible Tales Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Aaron_VoCatus, 4/9/17.

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  1. Aaron_VoCatus

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    Looking to sell my account US server, I am the original owner, and it has been linked to a fresh google/gmail account for easy account transfer.

    Stats are subject to change (for the better) as I will continue to play the game until the account has sold.

    55 platina , 3220 gems (another 4k on 3/27 after gw weekly rest)

    LVL 80 257/312/308 Lena, full season 3

    LVL 79 (32.86% to 80) 182/285/242 Anika , s3 weapon, s2 armor

    other 3 characters 47-49 and no gear to speak of, just random items

    Currently in a top 30 lvl 8 guild which as long as you play regularly you will be able to stay in, guild is full of lots of strong, friendly and active players.

    Anika was my main until a little over a month ago and i switched to Lena.

    $100 obo, paypal only

    Sold to KEVN
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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