Sold SOLD Account with 12 EXs: Ho-oh, Latios, Mew, Greninja, Genesect.

Discussion in 'Pokemon Masters Accounts for Sale - Buy & Sell' started by VoltzF, 2/19/17.

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  1. VoltzF

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    Couldn't get into the game, so I'm selling my account. It has a good amount of S-tier figures that were pulled from the Sextuple pull promo during the first week of release.

    Here's an image of the figures, can also provide more pics upon request.

    Latios lv.3
    Latios lv.2
    Greninja lv.4
    Genesect lv.2
    Ho-oh lv.3
    Gardervoir lv.3
    Mew lv. 1
    Rayquaza lv. 3
    Delphenox lv. 3
    Snorlax lv. 2
    Manaphy lv. 1
    Blastoise lv 2

    Other notable R/UC figures
    2x Shuppet
    2x Leafeon
    Salamence CLv 0, 2/3

    Notable Plates
    3x Hurdle Jump
    2x Counter attack
    Goal Block
    Focus band

    Other Acc info:
    At Champion League, 1853 points.
    151k Gold
    5 Gems
    2250 Material
    Story mode currently at the last gym I believe, the Elysium Gym, just a little over half done through it.

    Paypal only, buy out at $50, but feel free to offer. Send me a PM.
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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