i Wanna Sell my Char on WEST SERVER. im only BUILD my Sylas but in the account have lann kai fiona and evie with lvl 90 make u easy to build them without lvling. ill give ss just for sylas stat i just need money for repair my # i just sell it for 40$ ign me on here or add me and skype vindictuskaifaiz Attached Images https://www.playerup.com/forum/mpghv2/attach/jpg.gif 2016_10_01_0004.jpg[/URL] [Download and Thanks] (418.1 KB) [*]https://www.playerup.com/forum/mpghv2/attach/jpg.gif 2016_10_07_0000.jpg [Download and Thanks] (345.2 KB) [*]https://www.playerup.com/forum/mpghv2/attach/jpg.gif 2016_10_01_0000.jpg [Download and Thanks] (415.1 KB)