Sold SOLD Account Chimera 2 Shuriken lv 82, Wiz 81, Rav 80

Discussion in 'Aura Kingdom Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Trisistian, 3/15/17.

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  1. Trisistian

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    Imperial Lordswrath Hat +21
    Imperial Lordswrath Light Armor +21
    Bestial Lordswrath Belt +21
    Bestial Lordswrath Gauntlets +21
    Bestial Lordswrath Long Boots +21
    Imperial Arcane Frost Cloak +20
    Imperial Arcane Frost Pendant +20
    Imperial Arcane Frost Ring +20
    Nocturnal Ghodroon's Devastation Blade +21 (Mov Spd 5%)
    Destroyer Ghodroon's Shaiya +21 (Max HP 5% DD 5%)
    Bestial Theory Time Travel Code +12
    Imperial Guzigla's Bloodied Tooth +20
    Destroyer Ghodroon's Axe of Deception +20 (Mov Spd 5% DD 5%)
    Nocturnal Ghodroon's Phantom Divine Harp +20 (Mov Spd 5% DD 5%)
    Destroyer Ghodroon' Chaostic Wizard Staff +20 (Max HP 5% DD5%)


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    line id: trisistian
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